A group of visionaries, social innovators, creators, youth, impact entrepreneurs, philanthropists and digital solution providers, spearheaded by IAAI GloCha, Climate Chain Coalition, Council of Global Change, bioregional economy networks, the Knowledge Innovation Summit and Revolution Love, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of the Bahamas to the UN in NY are bringing several programs to the UN HQ NY in the context of the UN Partnership Forum 2025, outlining pathways and concrete actions towards whole of society mobilization for the implementation of global goals, based on localized challenges and action and sustainable use of emerging technologies.
Key initiatives of the partnership:
Global Challenges Action Day (GCAD), https://gcaday.org (work in progress)
Events and Exhibit in the contest of the UN Partnership Forum 2025:
February 4th, 10 AM – 1 PM, Global Challenges Action Day (GCAD) Design Workshop, UN HQ NY, B1, Conference room A with virtual participation option via zoom (draft agenda)
The purpose of this session is to bring interdisciplinary experts together to discuss how we can address global challenges through local action to effectively achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will present use cases of emerging technologies, exchange insights during a roundtable discussion to frame challenges and workshop the creation of a UN Resolution for localization of the SDGs informed by scientific data and bio-cultural context for place based implementation of solutions at scale.
The impetus of this gathering is to incentivize cooperation across multiple levels of governance, determine key stakeholder groups and identify critical interventions needed to foster planetary regeneration and local resilience through systemic innovations in a rapidly changing world. During times of confusion and crisis, it is imperative to direct our focus and energy on implementing creative solutions towards a shared vision of a flourishing and peaceful future for all life.
Envisaged Outcomes:
Laying the foundation for a Global Challenges Action Day UN GA Resolution
Creating a shared roadmap, priority research list and collective goals
Aligning on plans to develop an inter-regional framework, governance protocols and implementation plan
Identify stakeholder groups / subcommittees for MoUs (Pacts for the Future)
platform with unique identification and mapping (thematic and geographic) of challenges, stakeholders, action, resources and impact / deliverables
Pilot MoUs will be presented at the GloCha conference on 4th February 2025 (the day before the UN ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2025)
10:00-10:30: Welcome: Miroslav Polzer & Susanna Choe
Opening Ceremony: Chief Dwaine Perry & Lena Cole
Miroslav Polzer, GloCha – Systemic Innovation for All of Society Engagement in Global Challenges Action
Ambassador Stan Smith, Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the United Nations
Multi-Stakeholder Conference preceding the UN Summit of the Future 2024 18th September 2024, 10 AM – 8 PM UN Headquarters New York 2024 – Trusteeship Council Chamber and UN WebTV (part 1 – part 2)
Purpose: This conference, held just before the UN Summit of the Future 2024, focuses on engaging youth, promoting digital innovation, and localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It brings together various stakeholders to explore creative solutions and governance innovations, essential for a sustainable future.
Draft Agenda
10.00 – 10.30 Opening session Moderator: Shurabe Mercado – Vice President of the International Youth Conference Welcome Messages on behalf of the Organizers UN-Habitat Youth Programme Smith – Eisenstat Family (Zephanii & Ari & Stori) on behalf of IAAI GloCha Syed Ali Mustafa,Founder and CEO of the International Youth Conference Christina Stevens, Founder and CEO of Revolution Love & GloCha Creative director Global Challenges action video 1 audience engagement with Slido
10.30 – 11.30 Localization of SDGs,Governance Innovation & the UN Summit of the Future Moderator and Thematic Introduction: Douglas Ragan, Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat Youth Programme prof. Frank Biermann – Findings & Recommendations of the GlobalGoals research project Joyati Das, Researcher, Youth 2030 Cities Luis Carlos Velásquez Cardona, former Governor of Caldas – Colombia, Expert in community self-built housing Leah Namugerwa, UN-Habitat Youth Advisory Board (tbc) Discussion
11.30 – 13.00 One Map – One Humanity: Geospatial data, Digital Innovation & Partnerships for all of society engagement in global goals action Moderator: Miroslav Polzer, Founder and CEO of IAAI GloCha & Strategic director of the Climate Chain Coalition Alex Caldas (video message), UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch – One Map – One Humanity – Co-Creating the Future with Geospatial Information Miroslav Polzer, GloCha Solutions for Youth/Local Community Engagement in global goals implementation: Challenges Mapping, Local Pacts for the Future, Citizen Scienceand Web3 Edin Thornton, on behalf of Sativus Pty Ltd & Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) One Map / Geospatial Information Systems and the Future ofCitizens Science Global Challenges action video 2 (Christina Stevens) Joao Pita Costa (video message), IRCAI (International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Ljubljana) – Data centered solutions for SDGs/climate action empowerment Alexey Shadrin, Evercity & Climate Chain Coalition – Digital Innovation for Climate Action Empowerment Monika Manolova, PhD, Global Alliance for Digital Education/Digital Literacy Alliance – Youth focused digital skills development for SDGs localization and participatory early warning systems Emilie McGlone, Peace Boat US Citizen science programs for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Charles Brigham, ESRI – Maps, Storytelling & Localization of SDGs Monique Bergh, Fyrst World Foundation & The Factor-Y Ltd, Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Discussion
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch break
15.00 – 16.15 Creating the Future with Music and Art Moderator: Christina Stevens, Revolution Love & GloCha Miroslav Polzer, GloCha edutainment and creative economy programs (GloCha contest, festival, DigitalArt4Climate CoCreation Hub, streaming TV, digital collectibles, ..) Maria Paula Fidalgo (video message), Culture Based Climate Action on the Road to COP30 Kirsten Wessel, COP29 Entertainment + Culture Pavilion How to mobilize global music and art networks for global goals implementation – Good practice cases of the International Academy for Art and Cultural Studies (IAA)in coop with UNITAR Gail Davvis Carter, AI, music and film, capacity building Makoto Okubo, Music for SDGs Daniel Morrell, Balance Eco Fdt & Ltd, Singing Trees to life Discussion
16.15 – 17.00 Young Future Creators (in cooperation with IYC informal Youth Summit of the Future) Moderator: Ali Mustafa – Founder and CEO of the International Youth Conference Shurabe Mercado – Vice President of the International Youth Conference Penelope Oliver – 17 year old, Advisor and Chair of Board of Future Generations at IYC Sachin Chaudry – Grassroot Youth Activist from India and Director of IYC Open discussion
17.00 – 18.00 Spaces, Resources, Knowledge & Tools for global goals impact entrepreneurship and creative economy Moderator: John Goulandris, GloCha Global Challenges Foundation New York Inc. Susanna Choe, GloCha Global Challenges Foundation New York Inc. – Presentation of the We the People Center initiative Reshma Patel, & Senior Vice President Four Rivers & Manhattan Community Board 6 Judith Espinoza: Specialist, Metaverse Governance, World Economic Forum, Metaverse Giselle Allers, OPAD, Project Development and Resource Mobilization Opportunities with a focus on Fintech,Latin America, Universities and Agriculture
18.15 – 20.00 Reception and presentation of exhibit – UN Gift Shop Area
Expected Outcomes: Strengthened collaboration between youth, local communities, and global partners. Enhanced digital innovation and data integration for SDG localization. Increased awareness of cultural initiatives and their role in climate action and sustainable development. Networking opportunities for stakeholders to explore future partnerships and initiatives. This event serves as a significant precursor to the UN Summit of the Future 2024, setting the stage for impactful discussions and actions toward achieving global goals.
At IAAI GloCha, we are organizing a virtual hackathon as part of the EU Sparks for Climate: Citizen Hackathon Championship program, an initiative supported by the European Commission.
The purpose of the program is to develop a competition for knowledge valorisation and the collaborative creation of technological and social innovation solutions by teams of citizens and researchers to address climate challenges. The Championship unfolds in three stages: virtual local hackathons hosted by 22 locations in Europe, followed by a dedicated training modules and coaching activities for the winning teams of these local hackathons. It culminates in an EU final where teams can vie to be one of the three European Citizens Hackathon winning teams. In addition to receiving cash prizes (5,000€ for each winning team), the winning teams will receive, for example, tailored mentorship, support for a crowdfunding campaign, access to the angel investor network and support to escalate their solution.
EU Sparks for Climate is open to everyone, including committed citizens with a desire to participate in solving climate challenges and researchers who wish to contribute their research and background. No previous experience in hackathons or idea competitions is required.
The Klagenfurt hackathon, organized by IAAI GloCha is focusing on participants from Austria, but open also for participants from other EU countries, provided that the challenges and solutions that will be put forward are relevant also in the Austrian context.
Contributions focusing on challenges and solutions related to EU Mission cities are especially encouraged!
GloCha Global Challenges Music and Art Contest 2024 in Support of the UN Summit of the Future 2024
Calling all visionaries, artists, innovators, musicians, storytellers – calling them all to help our world, our communities, our United Nations to master the challenges of our time
Update regarding contest timeline!!
Due to internal and external factors, the contest core team and partners decided to modify the contest timeline such that the start of the submission phase will be moved to 19th September 2024.
Join the GloCha Contest Community on WhatsApp:
Join our GloCha Contest Community and our weekly GloCha Contest 2024 Community Talks in order to stay informed about new developments regarding the GloCha contest, the GloCha Festival, partnership opportunities, additional GloCha Contest 2024 awards, etc.
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha
in partnership with
UN Habitat Youth Programme,
UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics branch, and other partners
to be announced
Our artists, our musicians, our storytellers are our visionaries who hold the magic ingredient to move humankind into creating positive change, building a thriving future for all life on earth.
Building with the Global Challenges Action network GloCha a global partnership and ecosystem of various stakeholders, who join forces for local, citizens/youth focused, global goals action empowerment with culture, technology and organizational innovation.
Awards – 2 Main Awards
Future Creator Visual Art Award (2500 USD prize money + participation in events in NY, Carinthia/Austria or Baku/ Azerbaijan, depending on availability of funds and environmental footprint considerations)
Future Creator Music Award (2500 USD prize money + participation in events in NY, Carinthia/Austria or Baku/ Azerbaijan, depending on availability of funds and environmental footprint considerations)
Additional Awards & Opportunities for Partnerships
The GloCha (Global Challenges) Music and Art contest 2024 offers the opportunity to create multiple sub-categories of awards and individual galleries, based on thematic, geographic or other criteria, which enables the introduction of additional awards.
IAAI GloCha is inviting potential partners like e.g. cities, NGOs, thematic networks, universities et al. to get in contact with us (email to contest@glocha.org) to explore potential additional partner-led award categories, and other potential collaboration towards local global goals action empowerment.
In addition to the Additional awards resources of partners, IAAI GloCha is providing another 2500 USD prize money for submissions that aims to inspire and empower collaborative action in relation to climate change and specific local/global challenges (in the context of the GloCha programs DigitalArt4Climate and Challenges Mapping/Local Pacts for the Future).
Link for Expression of Interest for Partnerships / Additional Awards
Identification of Winners through a combination of public voting and jury voting
Public voting: dates to be announced
Jury voting: dates to be announced
announcement of winners: date to be announced
Digital Art / Web3 technology / Resource Mobilization Innovation
IAAI GloCha will work with those GloCha Music and Art Contest 2024 participating artists and award partners, who are interested to develop with us Web3 technology based resource mobilization programs, but this will not be a prerequisite for participation in the GloCha Music and Art Contest 2024.
launch press conference at the UN Bonn Climate Conference SB60, 10th June 2024:
8th May 10 AM EDT (New York) / 4 PM CEST (Klagenfurt) / 5 PM EAT (Nairobi)
hybrid event with speakers joining from Nairobi/Kenya (UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch meeting room at UN Office Nairobi ) – Klagenfurt/Austria (IAAI Office)
with live and on-demand broadcast on UN WebTV and on IAAI GloCha Youtube channel
At the side event the organizers will present programs and tools,like e.g. the Challenges Mapping methodology and Web3 Technology enabled Local Pacts for the Future as concrete examples on how science, technology and innovation can be harnessed to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goals implementation, climate action empowerment and multilevel multi-stakeholder governance innovation.
The solutions have been developed by the UN accredited civil society organization IAAI and its partners in the context of the GloCha Global Challenges Action Empowerment partnership in the context of preparations for the UN Summit of the Future 2024. The program will include also presentations on deployment of digital innovation solutions for Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) in Kenya, an outlook on the 9th edition of the International Youth Conference (IYC) and IYC’s „informal Youth Summit of the Future“ initiative, citizen/youth engagement in the context of the One UN Map programme of the UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics branch, the DeclarActions and mapping capacity building of the UN Habitat Youth programme and the EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon Championship.
The side event will be held as a hybrid event.
Welcome session:
Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha Office in Klagenfurt (moderator)
Shurabe Mercado Guido, International Youth Conference (IYC) and Member of the Intergenerational and Youth Subcommittee of the UN Civil Society Conference 2024
Alex Caldas, UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch, UN Office Nairobi
Doug Ragan, UN Habitat Youth Programme – UN Office Nairobi
Caroline Ouko, Centre for Training and integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD), Kenya
Ali Sayed Mustafa, International Youth Conference – virtual (to be confirmed)
Presentation of the Challenges Mapping Framework and Local Pacts for the Future:
Miroslav Polzer – intro (UN STI Forum, Summit of the Future, GloCha solutions for systemic change: CMT & Local Pacts for the Future, EU Sparks for Climate Citizens hackathon
Hossein Hassani – Presentation of the Challenges Mapping Tool & INTERREG Central Europe project JETforCE context
Achieving more through collaboration:
Alex Caldas, UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch
Dr Richard Munang upscaling the citizen science for Global Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning for the Environment (10 min)
Me Yigang Li, Upscaling One Map for One Humanity through data, impact and resources focused citizens / youth engagement
Joao Pita Costa, International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence IRCAI, Ljubljana/Slovenia
Nena Dokuzov, Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, Slovenia
Domenico Vito, HubZine Italy – Trash2Treasure Digital Innovation and Citizens‘ Engagement for a Sustainable World
Miguel Ángel García Fuentes, Barrabes (to be confirmed) – EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon Championship https://eusparks.eu/
Context info: Challenges Mapping paper (work in progress) for the GLOBALGOALS2024 conference in Utrecht/NL, August 2024„Dynamization of SDGs Implementation with Citizen Science, Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future„
Our GloCha transformative idea for the GLOBALGOALS2024 conference is, to build a global conceptual framework and reporting standard for the identification, localization and specification of challenges with citizen science and web3 technology tools. We (IAAI GloCha) have developed a first MVP (minimum viable product) digital tool in the context of the EU INTERREG Central Europe project JETforCE (Just Energy Transition for Central Europe) and we are working with the UNEP Early Warning and Data Analytics department as well as other partners on the next generation of the tool, which will include self-sovereign digital identity (Global Challenges Action ID for individuals and private and public organisations), taxonomy and ontology for global challenges data management and analytics, a framework for unique identification of challenges, ChallengesID based challenges community building, a global challenges action registry for the documentation, verification and certification of actions and created impact and an individual SDGs and climate action app on which contributions to global challenges are being managed as digital badges/certificates/Web3 tokens. Based on this challenges mapping citizen science and knowledge collaboration platform, members of challenges communities (including public authorities on different levels of governance) can enter into web3 technology supported give-and-get relations – „local pacts for the future“, a governance innovation that IAAI has submitted to the UN in the context of consultations for the UN Summit of the Future 2024 and preparations for a „Global Pact for the Future“ and which will also be made available as a digital tool in support of citizens‘ engagement programs of the EU Climate Pact.
on-site in #Klagenfurt or/and remote work Join the winning team!
Culture & Digital Innovation Program Manager
About the job
Company Description
The International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) is a youth-focused entrepreneurial civil society organization. Our mission is to build the intellectual, technical, and organizational infrastructure for multi-stakeholder climate action and sustainable development goals implementation on the local and global level. We achieve this through our multi-stakeholder partnership, #GloCha.
Role Description
This is a part-time hybrid role as a Culture & Digital Innovation Program Manager – Paid Internship at IAAI. As a Program Manager, you will be responsible for managing and implementing culture and digital innovation programs. This includes developing program strategies, coordinating with stakeholders, organizing events, managing social media platforms, and supporting program evaluation and reporting. This role is based in Klagenfurt, with flexibility for some remote work.
Experience in program management and coordination
Excellent organizational and project management skills
Strong written and verbal communication skills
Knowledge of sustainable development goals and climate action
Proficiency in digital media platforms and social media management
Creative thinking and problem-solving abilities
Ability to work independently and in a team
Attention to detail and strong analytical skills
Experience with event planning and coordination
Knowledge of cultural innovation and youth engagement
Fluency in English (required) and German (welcome)
Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (such as International Relations, Sustainability, or Communications)
June – September 2024
500 €/month plus a potential premium at the end of the internship, when program goals will be achieved (details to be specified at the hearing with candidates)
Application process
To apply, please send an email to polzer@glocha.info attaching
– a motivation letter (including your view on what #GloCha is and the potentials of #DigitalArt and #DigitalCollectibles for youth climate and SDGs action empowerment)
– a CV (highlighting your activities and accomplishments that you regard as particularly important for yourself and the world)
Background info about GloCha and its programs DigitalArt4Climate, Digital Collectibles and Challenges Mapping:
ACE_AT project and DigitalArt4Climate presentation: „Resource Mobilization Innovation for Action for Climate Empowerment, UNFCCC Capacity Building Hub presentation at COP26 https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/BEP_Day_Presentation_2-IAAI.pdf
GloCha and Global Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future presentation at UN STI Forum 2024: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1k/k1k139ki7g?kalturaStartTime=1825
No deadline: call for applications is open till the position will be filled
GloCha – Building a better world with #Culture, #Knowledge and #Technology
IAAI’s youth led partner organization IYC – International Youth Conference has developed at a side event to the UN Commission on Social Development CSocD62 (link to event report on the homepage of UN DESA: https://social.desa.un.org/sdn/creating-the-future-with-youth) the proposal to organize an informal Youth Summit of the Future ahead of the official UN Summit of the Future in September 2024 as a forum for effective and inclusive youth participation in the work of the UN system, in line with SDG 16 – “.. build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.
At the proposed side event the organizers aim to discuss the feasibility of this idea and organizational details with youth leaders from around the world which will participate in the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024, with member states representatives and other stakeholders.
The plan for the informal Youth Summit of the Future is, to have a set of non-state actors’ led programs and events, clustered around the UN Summit of the Future, which shall lead to an action plan for transformative global governance innovation towards inclusive and action and impact oriented citizens’ and youth engagement and empowerment in global goals implementation:
Youth capacity building, strategy and action plan development sessions in relation to the UN Summit of the Future and the UN Global Pact for the Future in the context of the 9th and 10th edition of the International Youth Conferencewww.internationalyouthconference.org
Call for visual art, music videos and documentary videos about youth focused challenges, challenges communities and solutions, to be launched by IAAI GloCha early June 2024 (in the context of the World Environment Day 2024) and selection of winners at the GloCha CoCreation Festival at Lake Turnersee in Austria 3-9 September 2024
Presentation of the IYC Youth Pact for the Future Action Plan, the GloCha CoCreation Festival Music and Art highlights and the Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future tool-set at the annual Youth, SDGs Localization and Digital Innovation conference of IAAI GloCha and UN Habitat at the UN HQ (planned for 19th of September 2024, to be confirmed) (link to past events: 2022, 2023)
Ongoing collection and dissemination of user generated edutainment content and citizen science knowledge collaboration on local and global challenges and youth led challenges action through the GloCha Streaming TV platform
Objectives of the side event, including relation with the SDGs identified in the Guidelines
With our side event we aim to provide concrete solutions for an inclusive and successful summit of the future and youth focused multilevel governance innovation, in line with SDG 16
With the “informal Youth Summit of the Future” and “Local Pacts for the Future” we aim to open up innovative communication channels and develop innovative engagement platforms and tools for young people from difficult-to-reach backgrounds and places, so that their creativity, ingenuity and passion can be harnessed for global goals implementation.
The future proof UN needs to reach the people’s hearts and minds, and IYC, GloCha and UN Habitat youth are here to help achieving this goal.
Programme and names of speakers/panelists
Ali Sayed Mustafa, IYC – Welcome and Presentation of the Informal Youth SoF proposal
Member States representatives
Aishu Narasimhadevara, Member of DGC Youth Representatives Steering Committee – Global South Youth Participation in SoF Preparations – the role of the UN Civil Society Conference in May 2024 in Nairobi
Doug Ragan, Yosuke Nagai, Milagros Costabel Bionda, UN-Habitat Youth programme – DeclarActions as a framework for action oriented youth engagement
Miroslav Polzer, GloCha – Presentation of the GloCha CoCreation Call for Music and Art 2024, GloCha TV, the GloCha CoCreation festival and Local Pacts for the Future as a multilevel governance innovations for the SoF
Alexandre Caldas, Yigang Li and Candice Chung, UNEP Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch – Youth as Key Actors on Early Warning and ‚Foresighting‘ the Future
Alina Karimamusama, NGOCSD-NY Youth Rep. & Founder of AfriHER, Zambia
youth delegates
Guiding Questions for discussion/s
What do young people care about?
How can the creativity, ingenuity and knowledge of young people be harnessed for local and global action for the common good (= SDGs implementation)?
How can we set up governance innovations that facilitate future, action and impact oriented engagement of citizens and especially youth in SDGs localization
How can we use the momentum of the UN Summit of the Future for the deployment of innovative citizens/youth engagement mechanisms in the context of the UN?
CoCreating the Future with New Thinking, Culture & Digital Innovation
Nsikaka Abasi Jacob (Nigeria), Dreams have Will, Winner of the “Top African Digital Artist Award” of the GloCha DigitalArt4Climate COP27 Digital Art Contest
The event focuses on the role of culture, digital innovation, and multi-stakeholder partnerships for all of society engagement in the localization and implementation of global goals in the context of preparations for the UN Summit of the Future 2024.
The multi-stakeholder partnership for global challenges action empowerment GloChawww.glocha.org will present its:
DigitalArt4Climate music and visual art contest, festival and edutainment programs and
Local Pacts for the Future as a governance innovationfor non-state actors’ engagement in global goals implementation – a new generation of Web3 technology enabled decentralized multi-stakeholder partnerships that solve grassroots challenges in a global context
Program (as of 24 January 2024):
1.15 – 1.25
Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha
Welcome & Intro to GloCha and its solutions portfolio
1.25 – 1.35
– Stefan Pretterhofer, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Austria – Saša Jurečko, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia
Welcome by Government representatives
1.35 – 2.00
GloCha partners: – Christina Stevens, Revolution Love – Ethan Kring, Herefor.earth LA – Mack Okubo, Music for SDGs – Fernando Garibay, The Garibay Institute – Oscar Wendel, Wendel Institute – Gail Davis, Creator 2030 – Lisa Lang, EU Climate KIC
Music & Art in support of the UN Summit of the Future: – DigitalArt4Climate Contest, Festival & Edutainment – Call for Content Creator Partners – Presentation of Partners and associated initiatives
2.00 – 2.15
– Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha & CCC – Doug Ragan, UN Habitat Youth Program – Ali Mustafa, International Youth Conference (IYC) – Hossein Hassani, IAAI GloCha
Local Pacts for the Future & Technology enabled Youth Engagement
2.15 – 2.22
– Nena Dokuzov, Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, Republic of Slovenia – Samer Bishay, KarrierOne
Data & Digital Innovation Infrastructure for Global Goals
2.22 – 2.25
Margo LaZaro, NGO Committe for Sustainable Development NY
NGO perspectives
2.25 – 2.30
Discussion & Closing
GloCha is a multi-stakeholder partnership for global challenges action empowerment, which has been developed to complement the UN led inter-governmental efforts for global goals implementation. GloCha has been initiated by the Austria based, UN accredited civil society organization IAAI. GloCha is an open and participatory institutional ecosystem, for the cooperation of solution and resources providers. GloCha partners are going to develop the knowledge base and the digital tools for the delivery of the solutions listed below and for the mobilization of the necessary financial and intellectual resources.
‘Local Pacts for the Future’ – Pathways to All of Society SDGs and Climate Action The side event organizers propose the development of an information system in which citizens can localize and specify challenges in their neighbourhood in combination with SDGs led action and impact trajectories and stakeholder mapping. With local pacts for the future, collaboration of individuals, private sector stakeholders as well representatives of public authorities can be organized with concrete give and get relations. Local Pacts for the Future shall complement the main UN Summit of the Future 2024 outcome, the ‘Global Pact for the Future’, with (1) a data/evidence, impact and incentives focused socio- ecological contracts of individuals and local communities conceptual framework and (2) digital tools (incl. self-sovereign digital identities, global challenges action reporting and impact assessment standards, global challenges action registries, ..). The “Local Pacts for the Future”systemic innovation for non-state actors’ engagement in global goals implementation – a new generation of technology enabled and challenges focused multi-stakeholder partnerships – could be launched at the UN Summit of the Future 2024 as a symbol for the people round the world that the UN system is relevant in the collaborative response to the concrete challenges that people are facing in their lives and neighbourhoods.
Reference: Presentation of GloCha and the DigitalArt4Climate initiative at an official side event to the UN Climate Conference COP28, 6th of December 2023 in Dubai/UAE
Reference 2 – UNFCCC Video report about the COP21 Global Challenges Music Contest:
11th to 15th September 2023, Exhibit at the Curved wall exhibit space, 1st floor, UN Conference Building, NYC
Registration: link (please note: deadline for on-site participation registration: Monday 11th September noon EDT for UN security procedures)
This event serves as a space to spotlight the unique and innovative ways for youth led creativity and entrepreneurship to spur global and local change and to highlight the enabling role of digital innovation for the localization of the SDGs.
The Conference will include a Youth Empowerment exhibition, a 2-day conference, and a reception.
Event Objectives:
The primary objective of the sessions are to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through localization and climate action at theUN SDG Summit 2023, the UN Climate Summit COP28 and to the UN Summit of the Future 2024. (hashtags: #GloCha #Youth2030Cities #Digital4Youth)
Specific aims are,
to present examples of youth localization of the SDGs globally, building on programmes such as Youth 2030 Cities, Climate Changemaker and the One Stop and Integr-Habitat Centres.
to present, in the context of the SDG Summit 2023, the open-source, white labelled, citizens and youth focused, web3 technology powered Individual SDGs and climate action app (which is being developed in the framework of the #GloCha #Digital4Youth partnership), as a systemic solution for accelerated SDGs implementation, which is going to be adjustable to specific global goals programs and local circumstances and can be used and individually branded by UN agencies, local authorities as well as civil society organisations for the measurement, reporting, verification, certification and incentivization/gamification of individual SDG action and impact (more info in the box below)
to present the Global Youth DeclarAction on Urban Sustainability adopted at the UN-Habitat World Urban Youth Assembly in June of 2022, and create “Local Pacts for the Future”, which will empower global citizens, especially young people, and articulate their vision of a sustainable urban . Such “Local pacts for the future” will add a citizens engagement avenue to the UN Summit of the Future 2024, which has as its main planned outcome a heads of states level Pact for the Future.
Agenda / Session Overview (as of 9th September 2023)
Welcome Session and Thematic Introduction
13 Sept 14.00-14.45
Welcome by the organizers and partners & Thematic introduction
Moderator: Gwendolyn Myers, Founder and Executive Director, Messengers of Peace (MOP)-Liberia
Speakers: – Roi Chiti, UN Habitat Andean Countries Hub – Daniel Obst – AFS Intercultural Program – youth representative – ICLEI US – Hossein Hassani, IAAI GloCha, Challenges Mapping App for citizens engagement in just energy transition (virtual) – Edward Darling, The Life Map (virtual) – Ljubljana Forum on the Future of Cities (virtual)
Session 2
13 Sept 15.30-17.0
Digital Innovation / Blockchain4Climate / DigitalArt4Climate session
Presentation of Web3 Technologies and Digital Tools for the Empowerment of Youth Focused Local SDG action & Presentation of the COP28 Digital Innovation Pavilion & Launch of the Call for Submissions for the DigitalArt4Climate COP28 Art Competition & Launch of the CCC & GYDI COP28 Digital Innovation youth delegate program Call for applications
Reception & Exhibition Presentation venue: UN Conference Building, 1st floor, Curved Wall space
Session 3
14 Sept 10.00-11.30
Youth, Sports, Creativity, and Innovation Session
Moderator: UN Habitat Speakers: – UN Environment – World Environment Situation Room Youth engagement program – UN Habitat Andean Countries Hub – Climate Changemakers Program Partners – Ministry of Youth and Sport, Government of Türkiye (tbc) – Christina Stevens, IAAI: GloCha CoCreation Festival 2024 – Amy Seidman, Noble Profit & BFlo Technology, SDG Action Heroes
Session 4
14 Sept 11.30-12.30
DeclarActions – Local Pacts for the Future session (How can we bring local/youth voices to the UN Summit of the Future 2024?)
The “Localization of SDGs, Youth and Digital Innovation” exhibition will be on display in the curved-wall exhibition space at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from September 7th to the 15th, preceding the UN General Assembly High Level Week 2023.
The Localization of the SDGs, Youth & Digital Innovation UN HQ NY Conference and Exhibit 2023 is a joint initiative of the UN-Habitat, UNEP, theMunicipality of Balikesir and the UN accredited civil society organisation IAAI GloCha.
The Young Climate Changemaker initiative joins forces with the Balıkesir Environmental Centre, formerly known as the World Environmental Situation Centre (WESC), to foster a generation of environmentally conscious leaders. This collaboration leverages the Balıkesir Environmental Centre’s expertise as a data, information, and knowledge hub to emphasize the significance of early warning systems, as exemplified by the recent tragic Turkish earthquake, in safeguarding vulnerable communities from disasters induced by climate change. By learning from the lessons of the Turkish earthquake, this partnership underscores the pivotal role of early warning systems in advancing sustainable development and resilience, equipping young climate changemakers with crucial insights and tools to address climate-related challenges effectively and protect both lives and livelihoods.
UN-Habitat’s One Stop Youth and Integr-Habitat Centres play critical roles in UN-Habitat’s mission to address urbanization challenges and promote sustainable development. The One Stop Youth Resource Centres empower urban youth through education, vocational training, and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging. Integr-Habitat Centres, on the other hand, focus on collaborative urban development planning involving multiple stakeholders. By linking these initiatives, UN-Habitat can harness the energy of young people to actively participate in sustainable urban development efforts, ensuring their voices are heard and integrated into comprehensive urban development plans. This synergy leads to more inclusive and effective urban development strategies, creating a stronger sense of community and shared responsibility for the future of cities.
IAAI is a youth focused entrepreneurial civil society organisation, based in Austria, which aims to build the intellectual, technical and organisational infrastructure for multi-stakeholder climate action and sustainable development goals implementation on local and global level with the multi-stakeholder partnership GloCha.
In addition to the GloCha Challenges Mapping tool/app for citizens engagement in Just Energy Transition, which is being developed by IAAI in the context of the EU INTERREG Central Europe project JETforCE, a leading initiative in the #Digital4Youth partnership is the DigitalArt4Climateinitiative, which has been presented recently at the SDGs learning special event of the UN HLPF 2023 (slides, video). At the event, the “DigitalArt4Climate COP28 Edition Call for Submissions” will be launched and inspiring artwork and stories of artists will be exhibited at the exhibit at the Curved Wall space of UN HQ NY Conference building ground floor.
IAAI GloCha, together with its #Digital4Youth lead partner, the Climate Chain Coalition, is is accredited also to the UNFCCC process and is going to convey the outcomes of the NY event to the UN Climate Conference COP28 in December 2023 in Dubai at the IAAI & CCC COP28 Blue Zone Digital innovation Pavilion and at the Slovenian EXPO City Dubai pavilion in the COP28 Green Zone.
The development of the Individual SDGs and climate action app meets a systemic need of the UN system in the field of all of society engagement for effective SDGs implementation. The initiative builds on the learnings of several UN agencies and global goals focused non-state actors (like e.g. the AWorld ActNow Campaign app and the UN Habitat SDGs Scorecard app), while harnessing new functionalities, enabled by Web3 technologies. The app is going to be developed by the #Digital4Youth consortium/partnership, led by IAAI GloCha, the Climate Chain Coalition and UN Habitat Youth program. ON 12th of September there will be a workshop for potential partners of the #Digital4Youth partnership where an action plan and terms of reference for the collaboration will be defined.The app is being developed as a global digital public infrastructure/ecosystem, a a key element of a set of next generation, interoperable digital tools, which are using Web3/blockchain technologies and advanced data science (digital identity management, youth climate action reporting framework, digital measurement-reporting-verification, crowd-evaluation, impact certification, global challenges action registry; (NFT) marketplace, participatory multilevel governance tools, digital finance, metaverse/VR/AR solutions, data collection/citizen science, education, gamification, ….) for effective and entertaining youth and citizens’ engagement and empowerment in local SDGs implementation. The initiative for the development of the Individual SDGs and climate action app is going to be registered on the SDG Summit Acceleration and Accountability Platform and put forward for recognition as a “Transformative Action” within the “Inclusive and Responsible Digital Public Infrastructure for SDGs” pillar of the High Impact initiatives of the UN SDGs Summit 2023 .
Miroslav Polzer, executive director of the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges, polzer@glocha.info, tel. (WhatsApp): +43 664 4203648