#DigitalArt4Climate – Harnessing the Power of Culture and Technology for Action for Climate Empowerment
Webinar in the context of the World Environment Day 2021, the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021 and the #All4Climate Event Series of the Italian Co-Presidency of the UN Climate Conference COP26
When: 4 th of June 2021 ● 3.00 – 5.00 PM CEST / 9.00 – 11.00 AM EDT
Where: Milan / Italy & Streamyard, https://www.youtube.com/user/iaaiglocha, fb
and live web-broadcast on UN WebTV http://webtv.un.org/
- International Association for the Advancement of innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI www.glocha.info
- GloCha Global Challenges Foundation New York www.glocha.org
In cooperation with
- UN Habitat Youth programme https://www.unhabitatyouth.org/
- UN Environment (to be confirmed)
The Challenge:
Paris Agreement implementation – a climate safe future – requires all of society engagement in climate action.
The UNFCCC Action for Climate Empowerment programme ACE is the governance innovation space for national governments and non-party stakeholders to find pathways towards all of society climate action empowerment. A key issue is lack of resources (reference: UNFCCC Future of ACE Options document)
The #DigitalArt4Climate / #DigitalCollectibles4Climate initiative recognises the value of artistic expressions (ideas/text, images, videos, music, …) as enabling resources for climate action. By means of transforming conventional art with the help of technology (enabled by blockchain technology) into digital assets (digital collectibles, non-fungible tokens NFTs) the potentials of art for climate action empowerment can be significantly increased. IAAI, as an associated partner of the Action for Climate Empowerment innovation project ACE_AT and as coordinator of the GloCha Global Challenges Action Empowerment consortium and its partners are planning to establish a mechanism/marketplace for climate related digital art through which auctions and other forms of value exchanges can be organised in order for ACE stakeholders, on all levels of society, to be equipped with the needed financial resources for their work and rewarded for well documented climate action and impact (=ACE marketplace, which has been called for by several stakeholders in the UNFCCC Future of ACE consultations, see above listed UNFCCC reference document).
During the DigitalArt4Climate webinar there will be launched a “Call for visual art for climate action empowerment” as an experiment on systemic Action for Climate Empowerment innovation with the transformative power of art and technology.
Tentative Agenda:
Moderation: Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr, Cointelegraph
- Miroslav Polzer IAAI GloCha
- Doug Ragan, UN Habitat Youth Programme
Thematic introductions
- Talieh Wögerbauer, ACE ambassador for the UNFCCC & ACE national focal point, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Republic of Austria – Action for Climate Empowerment Innovation
- Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, New York UNCTAD Office – The International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2021
- Giselle Alers, Global Creative Economy Inc. and representative of IAAI at the UN HQ in NY The creative community and its underutilized potentials for local and global sustainable development action empowerment in times of post-COVID recovery
- Tim Damon, ECOS & YOUNGO ACE WG, GYDI – Why the world needs an ACE Marketplace?
- Tom Baumann, Climate Chain Coalition, Digital Innovation for Climate Action – The Big Picture
- Alexandre Caldas, Chief, Country Outreach, Technology, Innovation & Big Data at UN Environment – World Environment Situation Room Youth Engagement Programme
- Katherine Foster – Open Earth Foundation & Social Alpha Fdt
#DigitalArt4Climate Call Launch
- Miroslav Polzer – DigitalArt4Climate roadmap: GloCha Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) digital art gallery, DigitalArt4Climate/ACE marketplace, ACE edutainment and digital art auction shows & Call to action for artists and young software developers/game designers
- Irina Karagyaur, Unique Network NFT Platform – Information about creation of low-carbon-footprint digital assets/digital collectibles/NFTs on the Kusama Proof-of-Stake blockchain
- Domenico Vito, Climate Leader, Climate Reality EU Team Italy – Pre-announcement of a Youth hackathon for ACE marketplace development
Future prospects
- Emmanuel Tachie-Obeng, Ghana Environmental Protection Agency and UNFCCC ACE Focal Point for Ghana – Action for Climate Empowerment Innovation for and with Youth in Ghana/Africa
- Subnational governments and local authorities, local communities, youth networks
- ..
Contact: dr. Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha, www.glocha.info, polzer@glocha.info, +43 664 4203648, www.linkedin.com/in/miropolzer/
Another #DigitalArt4Climate / #DigitalCollectibles4Climate resource mobilization for ACE
mechanism will be voluntary carbon footprint compensation cryptostamps/digital collectibles, which we are going to introduce as a tool for city and citizens level climate neutrality goals implementation (for more info see https://daringcities.org/program/with-blockchain-technology-and-digital-innovationtowards-
climate-neutral-cities-and-citizens/ & https://youtu.be/4w5twspoqFY?t=6585).
recommended reading: Digital SDG Finance Bulletin May 2021: https://www.climatechaincoalition.io/digital-finance-2